Top 5 warning signs your brakes are failing

Top 5 warning signs your brakes are failing

Car brake

Responsible for slowing you down, without your brakes (or fully functioning brakes), driving your car would be impossible.

As one of the most critical components of your car, you need to make sure that your brakes are well-maintained, but how can you tell if they’re not performing their best?

Discover everything you need to know in this post with our experts at CJ Auto Service!


1.    Squeaking or grinding noises

This is one of the most common signs that there’s a problem with your vehicle’s brakes and usually happens as a result of worn-out brake pads.

Ignoring this sign will, eventually, cause your brake pads can wear down completely, which can then damage the rotors (the large metal disc inside each wheel) and other brake components.

So, be sure to book your car in at the garage for an inspection if you notice any strange squeaking or grinding sounds when you push the brake pedal.

This squeaking isn’t to be confused with the high-pitched squeal that can happen when your brake pads need to be lubricated, but if you’re concerned, there’s still no harm in making an appointment with your mechanic for them to take a look.

2.    Spongy brake pedal

If when you push the brake pedal it feels soft and spongy, there’s more than likely an issue with your braking system.

This is usually caused by air in the brake lines, or a leak somewhere in the system, and taking no notice of this will eventually lead to brake failure – making it impossible to stop your car.

If you regularly drive in rush-hour traffic, or at high speeds, this is incredibly dangerous, so you should take your car to the garage for inspection and repair.

3.    Vibrating brakes

Another sign that it’s time for a brake replacement is if you feel vibration or pulsating – either through the steering wheel or the brake pedal itself – when you engage the pedal.

These types of sensations are typically caused by worn-down brake rotors, as they no longer provide a smooth surface for the brake pads to grip.

Ignoring this problem inevitably leads to more damage – from worn down brake pads and damaged brake callipers – as well as more expensive repairs, so have a professional take a look sooner rather than later.

4.    Increased stopping distance

If your vehicle is taking longer than it should to slow down and come to a complete stop when you push the brake pedal, you should have everything checked out at your earliest convenience.

This can happen for a multitude of reasons, so it’s important to have an experienced mechanic diagnose the problem and rectify it to get you safely back on the roads.

5.    Warning lights illuminated on your dashboard

All modern vehicles have warning lights on the dashboard, that illuminate if there’s an issue that needs your attention.

The brake warning light is a circle contained in brackets, with an exclamation mark in the centre, and this displays as a red, orange or yellow light on your dashboard, depending on the make and model of your vehicle.

If you haven’t experienced any of the issues above, but you notice this light illuminated on your dashboard, take a trip to the garage for the problem to be investigated and repaired.


Need expert advice?

Having issues with your brakes?

Not to worry!

Our team of expert, fully qualified mechanics at CJ Auto have years of experience in diagnosing and repairing faulty brakes and are dedicated to keeping you safe out on the roads.

We specialise in luxury car brands – like Audi, BMW and Volkswagen – but would be happy to take a look no matter your make and model.

Give us a call today on 01925 568 253 to book a brake repair in Warrington, or email us at and we’ll be in touch to answer any questions or to arrange an appointment!


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